Skin Care Treatment, Anti Aging Skin Care

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De-stressing The Skin

My basic theory for revitalizing skin and thwarting the signs of aging is to reduce the amount of stress the skin has to endure. Wrinkles and lines are nature's "stress marks," after all!

I recommend treating your skin as "sensitive skin" regardless of whether you have allergies or not. Only purchase produces that are fragrance-free and dye-free whenever possible. Fragrances and dyes serve no helpful purpose for the sensitive skin on the face and neck. Also, look for products advertised as noncomedogenic -- these products do not contain oil or other ingredients known to clog pores.

Avoid cleansers containing harsh grit and scrubs. They can rub the skin raw! Gentle exfoliation is best, when necessary: gently massage the skin with a washcloth or even the tips of your fingers to loosen dead skin without damaging healthy skin. Use a cleanser for sensitive skin -- one that is free of fragrances and dyes. It may cost a little more than the regular brand, but it's worth it.

Don't use an excess of harsh acne-removing products. Oftentimes a mild benzoyl peroxide gel will do the trick (look for 2.5% gel -- higher concentrations can chemically burn the skin). If you have access to a doctor, you can ask him/her about using a mild retinoid (.01% or .05% solution).

Finally, sunscreen and moisturizer. Sometimes you can find these two products together in one cream. Drier skin may require a separate deep moisturizing treatment in addition to daily sunscreen lotion. Protecting your skin from sun does wonders in terms of preventing wrinkles.

Treat your skin with the sensitivity it deserves and chock out unnecessary fragrances & additives. They only cause undue stress!

I have been using the methods described above for about 6 months now, and I've seen drastic results. I used to have skin that broke out every week -- now, I only have a rare occasional blemish. Forehead wrinkles have lessened significantly, even though I only use .01% tretinoin gel. My skin looks so much fresher and healthier since I quit using harsh acne products and fragranced cleansers.

by Angela K.

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Exercise as Skin Rejuvenator

Regular intensive exercise is the best product I have ever used on my skin. You need to get your heart rate so you are panting hard and stay there for at least fifteen minutes. Your face needs to get hot and flush. I have tried a range of products over the years and cannot say I have ever noticed a significant improvement. When I don't exercise regularly it looks dull and my 35 years begin to tell.

But in periods of regular intensive exercise I always find my skin is brighter and fuller/plumper. It's a lot harder than a miracle cream but also a lot cheaper.

by Neria

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Another Way to Open Pores

This is similar to the tip posted about steaming the face for better cleansing, but I find it much easier. Instead of holding your face over a steaming cup of tea, I find it much easier to dip a washcloth in hot water (or an herbal infusion if you like) and hold it on your problem area for a few minutes after a light cleansing and before using your favorite facial mask. Just make sure it isn't so hot it will burn!

Wash cloth, hot water, herbal tea bags (optional)

Results (observed by submitter):
Cleaner pores! And if you use it on your nose if you have a cold, it feels good on the sinuses.

by Claire

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Baking Soda Scrub

Use baking soda as a facial or body scrub, but go lightly and only do it for 45 seconds in each area. It can be used on the face and body one to two times a week. This is not recommeded for dry sensitive skin. Keep out of your eyes.

Baking soda

How to prepare:
Mix it with a few drops of water to make a paste. Rinse off after 45 seconds. For more luxury, add some olive or almond oil to it so it can hydrate as well.

How to use:
Use it as a facial/body scrub.

Results (observed by submitter):
The results are smooth, even clean skin and shrunken pores.

by Heather Clayton

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Green Tea to Calm Redness

If you have a reaction or persistent redness try taking a green tea bag soak it in water until the tea seems very concentrated and then take a cotton ball and apply to red or irritated section of face. When buying the green tea look at the package and make sure it is a high quality. Repeat as needed. I did it a few times a day and resolved my redness issue.

This will work very well on children that have allergic reactions to topical products. Green tea has the natural properties of calming and reducing inflammation. When left on the face to absorb it also has anti-microbial properties and other skin benefits.

by Kim


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